
Parent Information

Parents and Citizens’ (P&C) Association

Cowaramup Primary School has a very active and very supportive Parents and Citizens (P&C) Association which is run by volunteers and provides a link between the parents in the community and the school leadership team as well as ongoing practical and financial support to our school.

Volunteering not only helps all the students at Cowaramup Primary School it’s a fun way to meet other parents across the school.

Our P&C is made up of elected members and consists of an Executive Committee: President, Vice President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Principal and Executive Committee Officers (not less than 3).

All of our parents/carers, existing and new, are warmly welcome to participate in P&C activities and attend meetings. The association appoints a parent representative for each class groups, whose role is to act as a link between the class and the P & C Association.


P&C Executive Committee 2022:

President: Rebecca Mann
Vice President: Kristy McKinley
Honorary Secretary: Melinda Meares
Honorary Treasurer: Anna Gunn and Katherine Willems
