
Our School

Our Vision, Values and Beliefs

Our Vision

Cowaramup Primary School staff and our community all work together to provide a valuable education for our students.

We want our students to:

  • learn and maximise their educational opportunities across all academic areas.
  • be happy, well balanced students who are mentally and socially robust.
  • feel connected to, and empowered to contribute to the community and the environment

Values and Beliefs

Our values and beliefs are based on the National Values for Australian Schooling and are represented in Cowaramup Primary School’s rules:

  • Be Respectful
  • Be Resilient
  • Be Your Best

Cowaramup continues to pride itself on having a very connected and supportive community that supports each other in positive ways. This strong community feel is evident within our school as we all create a positive environment for the children in the community to grow and prosper.